Last week was Spring Break and I took Friday off work so the kids and I could go to the Zoo. The weather was supposed to be nice and sunny, but it didn't quite turn out that way. At least it didn't really rain on us, misted a little, but the good news was the animals were very active when we were there so we got some good pictures.

The polar bears were very active. This one was playing with her ball right in front of the window. She's huge!

This Cougar looked so uncomfortable in the tree, until you look close and see he's actually falling asleep there!

We can never seem to get enough of the zoo. There is a lot of construction going on there right now as they finish up the new African exhibit that will bring Cheetahs and Lions to the zoo for the first time! We are excited for that to open up this Summer. Also they are rebuilding the Orangutan exhibit and including an outside area for the first time ever. It's going to be beautiful when it is finished. Then of course they are updating the Tiger exhibit, making the walls higher and the people farther away from them since they realized after the San Francisco event our Tigers exhibit is unsafe. Our tigers are pretty lazy and sleep ALL the time, but still, safety first! We love going and spending a few hours at the zoo whenever we get the chance. Can't wait for the summer season to start so the weather will be warmer!