We went to Astoria and Seaside the Sunday before Gabi's birthday for some family fun, and I finally have a little time to posting the pictures. We were going to go to the snow to go tubing, but she didn't want to go to the snow, she said she's had enough snow for the year. However, the weather was pretty crazy that day. There was snow on the way to Astoria and snow at the column when we were there. It also started raining when we were up there. But just 7 miles west from there at Fort Stevens the sun and blue sky were out! It was a little chilly but beautiful. Then at Seaside the weather was nice too. But in the way home it looked like we were heading to the ski slopes with the amount of snow on the road! We even found out it had snowed at home when we got home. There was snow on the grass at the house! The weather sure has been crazy this year. Gabi was even lucky to have snow on her birthday. Lucky for the rest of us it didn't last long.

Looking South from the Astoria Column

Yes, there was snow up there! And more rain coming!

The rain coming in from the West.

A barge heading down the Columbia River.

Looking at the Bunkers from the lookout point. These bunkers were in use during WWII as a lookout, and were actually fired on by Japanese submarines during the war.

Unfortunately they are extremely run down and falling apart, but they are trying to restore one of the guns that were here at the time.

A close up of one of the guns they are restoring and will be able to fire once the restoration is complete.

Seaside was beautiful. The weather was surprising good with no wind, but a little chilly.

The kids loved the bumper cars there... and the arcade of course!
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