Just realized I never posted pictures of Nick with his new quad! We ended up selling the baby quads a few months ago and got Nick his dream quad. We took it out Labor Day weekend and had a blast. He is just as amazing on this quad as he was on his little quad. Now the plan is to get another one for Gabi as well. We upgraded her this summer to an older quad we have had for a while. She's pretty good on that one as well, and happy it has reverse, but she has now decided she's willing to give up reverse to have a quad like Nick's. So hopefully next year she can get a new one as well. Now the plan is to be able to go riding more often. It sure was nice to have both kids on bigger quads so we ca go faster and not have to worry about them getting stuck on steep hills. They can go anywhere they want to now!
And I couldn't resist posting pictures of how much my baby has grown! Here's a picture of his very first ride out on the quads. He was such a little cutie! I think he's 6 here. And there he is on his new quad. He's 11 in that picture. Sure has some a long way!
Here's a close up of his special bars - Tag Hart & Huntington bars. They are awesome bars and one of a kind. Not even available on the market yet!
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