Well we finally got the furniture moved downstairs into the family room. It now looks like an actual room. And it's a very cozy place to watch TV too. The surround sound is very cool and even the cats like hanging out downstairs!

So now the work begins on the upstairs rooms. We will be starting with the living room & dining room. Can't wait to see those completed as well. It's the perfect time to start working inside again. Weather is starting to change and we have plenty of indoor projects to do! Hopefully the living room won't take long. Just a matter of scraping popcorn off the ceiling, adding can lights & a ceiling fan in the living room and filling in the weird niches in the dining room. Then painting and finally putting in the flooring, along with new light fixtures. Can't wait! Should keep my husband busy while I'm in California at least! I'll post progress pictures the end of next week.
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