Nick finally got his cast off yesterday. Now that is one happy puppy!

They cut it off with a saw-like thing that cut the cast, but not the skin. Bryan offered to do it for him with his Dremel but Nick wasn't so in to that. He was much happier with the "hot" nurse doing it for him instead.
Feels so much better now!

So then they X-Rayed the arm again and the bone is all healed. Still has a couple of weeks in a split until it's completely healed, but at least he has motion in his arm now, and can take a regular shower. And I think Gabi is thrilled he can help with the dishes again.

His poor arm looks a little worse for wear, but nothing a little (or A LOT) of lotion won't cure. Thank god for that wonderful Renew lotion. Best stuff on the planet!
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