Sunday was such a great day. Highs in the UPPER 70's with not a cloud in the sky. I puttered in the kitchen in the morning cutting up meat & marinating it for steak K-bobs for dinner last night, made some Rice Krispie Treats and made a killer chicken salad to pack for lunch for the day at the track. Then we loaded up early and headed out to Molalla for the day of racing. There were lots of people there and all our BMX friends. What a great day that was. It was fun to just hang out with everyone. Let the kids play with their friends and ride, the parents got to relax and socialize with everyone. It was just a great day. Nick had a bigger class of 5 people and also decided to race without his clip pedals so it was a new challenge for him. He has been struggling with his pedals recently so we made the switch back to the standard pedals and he actually raced better than he has in a while! Ended up with a 3rd place finish which was great for him. Gabi also got 3rd but she was in a "total points" race and only had 3 people in her class. She had a better time hanging out with her friends and socializing than she did racing I think.
Today we are hoping for highs in the mid 80's. I told Bryan he should take the motorcycle out for a ride today so we'll see if he actually does it or not. He thought it was a great idea though. Our good weather is supposed to last most of the week so I have planned lots of BBQ dinners. One of my favorite time of the year!
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