There was a traveling exhibit of actual Titanic Artifacts that made a stop at Washington Square over the weekend. They gave you a boarding pass with passenger information of an actual passenger that was aboard the Titanic. You walk through the exhibit looking at the artifacts, and then at the end you look at this huge list and see if your passenger survived or not. Unfortunately Bryan's passenger did not make it, but the rest of us did.
It was a small sampling of artifacts, but still very cool to see and experience. The kids enjoyed it as much as we did. I think we have all always had a fascination with the Titanic and seeing just a very of the memorabilia from the ship was incredible. Here are some photos of some of the stuff we saw. At the very end of the exhibit there was a guy that caught me taking photos and told me I couldn't do that. Good thing he wasn't at the beginning!
Oh, and the family photo was taken at the beginning of the tour in front of the "Grand Staircase". Looks like a scene from the movie!
Ship's Hull. The big circles are where pipes ran through for water or steam or something like that. The little holes on the side are where rivets used to be. It said after testing that the metal was discovered to have a large amount of slag in it which would make the metal more brittle and likely to break in the cold ocean temperatures the ship was in at the time of the iceburg incident.

Rivets from the ship. Same info about them. They had a large amount of slag in them as well which could have caused them to fail.
The middle support for a bench that was most likely on one of the decks. Notice how bent it is.
All in all it was a great exhibit, and it was free! What more could you ask for. It was presented by Country Financial, and I'm sure we will get some sort of follow-up call because of this, but for the history we saw I think it's worth it.
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