It's been snowing here for an hour! The flakes are so big and beautiful. I took pictures before the kids could go outside and mess it all up!
So far we have 3 inches of snow, and it is beautiful... where the kids haven't messed it up! I love to watch the snow fall down and make everything beautiful. I hope it continues all day. I have no where to go today! Tomorrow however is another day and I will not be as happy tomorrow I'm sure. But today it's perfect!
I hear you have to have chains or traction tires to get anywhere around up there.
It's supposed to freeze 2nite E may not be going to school
Kara is supposed to take me to "Twilight" tomorrow, but not w/Doodles! :(
Jeff is gone till Friday and E's in school so I'm looking forward to a week of alone time, that is if the weather cooperates!
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