So it's the last day of 2008 and seems like a good time to reflect on the year. We had a lot of fun and got to play more than usual because of Bryan's work schedule. In May he was laid off from Fulton Provisions (a meat processing company) where he was one of the maintenance mechanics. This gave him lots of time to spend working on the house and he was home all summer with the kids which was great for all. He did an amazing job and was able to get the downstairs pretty much completed, the yard done, and the house painted.
In September Fulton called Bryan and asked him to come back to work. The timing was perfect! The kids were going back to school and well unemployment was going to run out so he is back to work again and we are enjoying our steaks and bacon once again.
Gabriella and Nick had a good year. Both got very involved in BMX racing this year and have been doing very well. Nick has advanced to the intermediate level and Gabi has won a couple of races and is on her way to success! They were both asked at the end of the year to join a team so next year looks like a lot of BMX racing all over the state! Should be fun!
Gabriella is now in 6th grade and loves her teacher. It's her last year at elementary school, and then it's on to Jr High. She can't wait! She enjoys her friends, riding her bike and her quad, and of course her kitties.
Nick is now in the 5th grade and can't wait until Gabi goes to a different school than he does! He loves BMX, riding his bike and quad, skateboarding, playing football with his friends, and basically all things boy. He's quite an active kid!
Me, well, I've just been doing the same old thing, still working at MotoSport as the catalog production manager. That takes up a lot of my time, but I do still try to find time for knitting, playing with the kids, camping and riding quads, and helping Bryan on the house.
That pretty much sums up what we did for the year, Next we'll review the fun we had throughout the year.
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