Rashelle and Lilian came over for dinner last night and we had a great time playing. Lilian loved to play with the kitty and Meow just let her do whatever she wanted, as usual. She's such a little cutie! We had fun playing with cars and coloring too. Nick played with his helicopter which Lilian loved to watch, but she had to be sitting in someone's lap when it was flying. Then when it crashed she would get down and go get it for him and give it to him then run really fast back to sit with Gabi and watch it again until it crashed. She also takes her coloring very seriously and loved to have help coloring her pictures. I haven't seen someone so excited to see a box of crayons in a long time!

After the kids went to bed Lilian was playing with her diapers so Bryan helped her try to diaper the cat. Meow being the good cat that he is pretty much let them whatever they wanted. Unfortunately it didn't stay on very long. But once the grown ups had given up she took the dipaer and went over by the cat laid the diaper down and told the cat to put it on. It was funny. We won't tell Gabi what went on though.

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