So the holiday guests have all gone home and now it's time to do a little out with the old in with the new. I love that part of the new year. Why is it we always feel compelled to clean and organize after the holidays? Is it because everyone has been home for such a long time and the house is a pig sty from everyone's stuff? Or is it because the new year is also a new beginning and a chance to get rid of all that old dirt and unused or unwanted stuff to make room for the newest latest and greatest stuff we have accumulated.
I got all the Christmas decorations put away, the tree is waiting for Bryan to get home to go outside, and most importantly the Wii has been moved to the downstairs TV so the adults have their space back again. I'm guessing we won't be seeing much of the kids anymore as long as they have Wii time available to them!
Now if we could only get the kids back in school I might not go crazy afterall!
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