I must say after trying it out last night and this morning it is actually fun to play, and the strength training and yoga exercises are actually quite a challenge for this out of shape body! My goal is to get up every morning when Bryan leaves for work and exercise for an hour or some before I have to take my shower. I figure I'm usually awake anyway since I can't go back to sleep after is alarm goes off so I should just take advantage of the time.
Maybe this will at the very least help me become more active and sleep better. Plus the activities seem to really work on your balance and posture which could always use a little help. The kids are pretty excited about it too. Tonight I'm going to help them set up their mii characters so they can start their own exercise routine too. It should help with their coordination and balance which should really help their racing out for this year.
Something needs to be done with this "fluffy" body and this is a good start. Now if only I could get Bryan to give it a try...
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