So we found a new show (to us) that the whole family likes to watch. It's called The Secret Life of the American Teenager and it's about a 15 year old girl who finds out she's pregnant. Now I must say this was not a show I really wanted to start watching, but after seeing previews of it through the Christmas break it did start to look intriguing. And Gabi started watching it during a marathon of episodes so we got hooked. Besides being a teenage soap opera I actually think it's a good show for parents of pre teen and teens to watch together.
Because we recorded all the episodes we have been watching them together as a family and it actually opens up a discussion about sex, teenage pregnancy and just dating and the whole boy/girl relationships as a whole. It has turned out to be a very non-threatening way to have a very important conversation with our kids about growing up, relationships and sex without being uncomfortable for anyone. The kids feel comfortable asking questions or we might comment about the show but then move on to how they would handle the same situation or issues facing the kids in the show. It might seem a bit early to be worrying about these issues, especially with Nick who is only 10 and said he doesn't even know HOW to get a girl pregnant, but it opens the door to being able to have opened conversations with them as they grow older.
Even Bryan has enjoyed watching the show which I was really surprised about, but I think he's starting to realize how important it is to have open communication with both our kids about sex and relationships to help them navigate their way through the tough teenage years they have ahead of them. I whole heartily recommend this show to anyone with preteens and teenagers in the house.
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